Analog Advisor
Welcome to Analog Advisor, a podcast about the way money shapes our lives, relationships and society. Join us as we explore the nuances of living an analogue life in an evermore digital world.
Analog Advisor
Raising Resilient Kids: A Conversation with "America's Worst Mom" Lenore Skenazy
Is constant parental supervision limiting children's ability to develop problem-solving skills? In this episode, hosts Wes Brown and Dr. Sonya Lutter explore childhood independence and resilience with guest Lenore Skenazy, founder of the organization Let Grow and author of the book "Free-Range Kids."
Skenazy shares her journey advocating for more freedom for kids through experiences like independent travel. Skenazy discusses reasonable childhood independence laws and how giving kids opportunities to overcome minor challenges and adversity can build resilience in a way that benefits both children and parents.
Let Grow Website | LinkedIn | Instagram
Free Range Kids Website | Book
Lenore Skenazy on LinkedIn
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Learn more about Analog Advisor
Analog Advisor is produced by Mickenzie Vought and edited by Podcircle
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Have thoughts or ideas for future topics or episodes? Email us at podcast@analogadvisor.com.